Article "ripped" from U.S.C.G.'s Website

Use of Force Policy

Executive Overview
A component of the CG maritime law enforcement mission is use of force against persons and vessels. The CG use of force policy applies to all CG personnel and Navy units operating under CG tactical control.

- Explain how CG use of force policy minimizes the potential for an international inciden, while providing maximum protection for CG personnel.
-  Describe how processes followed when using force to stop a vessel ensure minimal damage and the lowest risk to personnel onboard.


Title 14 United States Code 89 provides authority for CG commissioned, warrant and petty officers to enforce all applicable U.S. laws and to use all necessary force to compel compliance. In recent years, CG has revised its use of force policy to provide additional tools to conduct the mission with reduced risk of injury to CG personnel.


Proposed Action / The Course Ahead

The CG has created a team of experts, Project Erickson, to determine the viability of various less-than-lethal technologies for compelling compliance and to provide more tools for boarding teams to compel compliance short of using deadly force.

More U.S.C.G. Statements

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